Travel on Hold…….For Now…
During Covid Times Travel Seems Like a Fantasy World

As we are about to enter our 6 month mark of dealing with the virus, of whom I shall not mention, I am really beginning to feel another void in my life. The inability to travel.
For some, this may not be a very big sense of loss. Perhaps they only traveled somewhere once or twice a year or maybe once every few years. Maybe, as inconceivable as it is to me, they never traveled anywhere other than their own neighborhood or city.
For me this loss of not being able to explore the world, which means more self exploration as well, has left an empty space. It’s frustrating and annoying, but to be honest it pales as a negative impact this virus, of whom I shall not mention, has brought about to so many others in this country and the world.
That being said, I will move forward confidently knowing we will again one day be able to travel the world safely. Our patience will be tried and I sense this virus, of whom I shall not mention, is going to be something we will need to learn to live with as opposed to it totally disappearing. Unfortunately, such is the way of viruses.
Perhaps in the big picture, this time of limited traveling about has really allowed the planet, specifically environmentally, to reset itself. That being said, this virus, of whom I shall not mention, has unfortunately brought out more ugly than beauty in humanity and that is both sad and disturbing.
This blog however is not going to go down that path.
This is more about preparing for down the road where this planet and its’ people will need to heal. I believe travel will play an integral part in that.
At the end of the day humans need each other. We have built a system where this reliance is at the core of our civilization. Yes, we can live alone and in isolation, but unless you are living in a cave and eating and drinking off the land, we need some type of human intervention.
Therefore, the concept of isolating ourselves from each other for very long periods of time will result in many more problems. I think we are already seeing that. This is why we need to be a little more disciplined and respectful at the moment with this virus, of whom I shall not mention, as well as each other.
We will rise above it, much faster if we do it together and not divided. The virus, of whom I shall not mention, is the common enemy. Not each other. We need to knock it off.
I believe when we get to the correct point of safety and comfort, travel is something the world will need. We need to travel within the USA to explore some of the amazing places that exist here and support our businesses and economy once again.
We need to share all of that with the world as well. To me there was nothing more healing to my lost and pained soul than traveling the world. Seeing other places, people and things that allow you to heal and grow and appreciate this life on earth.
Hopefully in the next several months ahead things will start to resemble a little bit more of “normalcy”. In the meantime, I am going to look forward and start the preliminary stages of planning my next adventure. I am working on some travel projects that I hope some of you will be able to be part of or at least more informed.
With that…….stay safe….be smart….and Sunshine Always!!!!