Reality: It’s Physical Distancing… Not Social Distancing…..

Social distancing…flatten the curve…..isolation saves lives. These are all new phrases engraved in our minds as they’ve become part of our everyday lexicon. All thanks to the horrific Covid-19 virus that has turned the world upside down and really more inside out.
Sadly, too many have become very ill and a disturbing amount have lost their lives. Pandemics are never welcome guests, and this one needs to get out of our homes or more importantly not ever let in.
It’s been a long and arduous road and it’s not over yet, although at the time of my writing this blog there are some signs the curve has flattened and things may be slowly getting better. Key word……slowly.

I’ve been struggling mightily during this time to not get down. I’ve already expressed my thoughts about some of the medias handling of this, as well as our government officials. I am not a person who finds helpless negative scenarios in the least entertaining. Nor do I feel the need to be hit over the head several times a day by what is obvious, although apparently some do, and still don’t get the point.
In any event this blog is really just a link to my podcast, The Middle Age Warriors on the Bleav podcast network (
I was looking for someone I could talk to on the show to help me and others try and find some light, a silver lining of sorts, in what feels like a dark blanket of negativity trying to swallow us all.
I couldn’t think of anyone better that I know other than Anne Marie Duchene of Art of Alignment. I went to Anne Marie about nearly 3 years ago to help me deal with a lot of personal issues both emotional and physical that were spawned by a stretch of some tough years and loss. Anne Marie’s approach was different than others that I sought help from prior. It was less theory and more organic and genuine. It combined the value of body and soul alignment. She taught me how the two work in unison and the value of pursuing and achieving that alignment as well as the challenges to maintaining it.
So without further ado I bring you our latest podcast on the Middle Age Warriors show on the Bleav podcast network. Here is my interview with Anne Marie Duchene.
Just click on the link below…..
Stay safe…..Stay healthy. Sunshine Always!!!