Corona Thoughts & Observations

As I write this blog I realized that it’s exactly 9 months since I’ve been unemployed. I still haven’t given birth to a new job and I was wondering if I should consider a C-section to move along the process.

However, all things along those lines, and much of life as we know it, has halted. A virus by the name of a popular beer or the aura of the sun, has come to shake up the world. We are in the midst of what will likely be the worst pandemic any of us on the planet have experienced to date.

Clearly, the first and foremost issue from something like this is the impact on the health and lives of the human race. The Corona virus (Covid-19) will, if not already, impact each and everyone of us on the planet in some shape or form. Not many things that have happened in this world fit into that category.

Many will be sick, and too many will die from this hideous virus. However, we need to put this in context. I have long believed that we are only renters on this planet. We live here and reap the benefits of a uniquely life supporting atmosphere, with enough food and water and shelter for just about all of us. Our landlord is an entity we either choose to believe in or not, but our only interaction with this power is through this planet.

In general, humans have become rather pompous and like to think the universe or galaxies revolve around us and that we are in control. We like to believe we can fix anything the planet and beyond throws our way. I must admit we do pretty damn well at limiting some of the damage, but some things you just can’t prevent or avoid. Covid-19 is one of those things.

We have had many previous pandemics and this will definitely not be the last. We do not control when they happen or how. We have some limiting control on spreading them and limiting the damage they may bring in terms of sickness and loss of life. We then develop vaccines and medications to limit further. It’s a constant chasing your tail type of routine. Then the next one arrives……and the next.

I’m not saying we stop trying. I am saying we slow down the blame game. Mistakes were made with this virus as they have been with others. To me, while those who got sick or lost loved ones would like to blame these bad decisions, blaming is a waste of time. It would be refreshing as humans to just say we didn’t handle it well at the onset, and we will learn from that. Instead the offense gets so overwhelming and piling on that the defense becomes unrealistic and fearful and responds more like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, or with a bag of pot in his pocket that he “was holding for a friend.”

Some people will never admit they were wrong or could have done things differently or better. Let’s just get over it and move on to the task at hand. I think we all know politics plays a large part in all of this. It affects the news media, the social media and the slanted stream of information to whatever side or party you stand.

With a crisis like this, shouldn’t we be ONE party! THE HUMAN RACE!!! I hear people claiming they are in this together……we are all involved….we need to pull together. Then why is it quite frankly when I watch the various news outlets that I obviously see a decisive lean to a political position. We can all use our voice and our opinions at the polling booth when the time comes. That’s the beauty of this nation.

I liken this situation to a couple that has split up and is perhaps going through an ugly divorce. People are taking sides, from friends to family members. Then the child of the this broken couple becomes gravely ill and is fighting for their life. At this point, the bullshit going on between the couple should become irrelevant, as well as the others taking sides. The focus, is the sick child, not the sick relationship.

That’s where we are in this country right now, only the friends and family are still bickering and taking sides instead of all energy going toward the ill child and their parents(those infected).

For the most part I don’t listen or watch anymore. I’m trying to follow the directives and also making sure my loved ones are safe and comfortable. There is no easy way out from this. It is however, not the end of the world. Honestly, I fear worse things than this could plague the planet one day.

We again rent this place called Earth. Occasionally it challenges us or even declares war on us. Yes, as in any war there will be casualties. I find this scorecard or telethon-like approach to keeping track second by second of how many have died or been infected, repulsive and emotionally unhealthy. I’m not saying periodically during newscasts over the course of the day we shouldn’t mention how many are infected or died, if only just to drive home the reality of the power of this virus.

However, we do not show running tallies every flu season of the millions infected and tens to hundreds of thousands that die. Please! Please!! Please!!! Do not get on my case about my trying to compare this to seasonal flu. That’s not my point. However, for the overall well being of the country emotionally, I feel this scoreboard is detrimental.

Last, but certainly far from the least, I want to praise and applaud all of our healthcare workers and first responders. These people are both soldiers and saints on the frontline of this battle day in and day out performing tirelessly. We should all try and do something to show our appreciation, even if not directly impacted by the virus.

I have many thoughts and emotions about this new challenge in our lives. I will end this blog here, but I want to talk about the isolation aspects of all of this. The economic and societal impacts as well. I plan to do that both here and on my podcast with Rick Sommers, The Middle Age Warriors.

I welcome your thoughts and opinions as well. However, while you can voice your political view here too, I am not going to engage in something that is not productive conversation in my view. I thank you all if you’ve read this far.

Please stay safe…….stay healthy and we will get to the other side of this. Patience. Peace & Love.

For something lighter here’s the latest episode of Buen Provecho/ Chris & Edmi’s Kitchen

Sunshine Always!!!