Middle Age Warrior Podcast Episode1: Losing Your Job & More Without Losing Your Sh$t!

I know many of you follow me in various ways, one of which is on this blog “What’s Next Chris?” I certainly appreciate your loyalty, post my NBC days, and hope you continue to follow along as I develop some new and exciting projects. Your support is going to be needed obviously, as I move forward and I hope you enjoy the ride.

The following is a direct link to the podcast Middle Age Warriors on the Bleav Podcast Network, the number 1 network for professionals. We will have various guests and topics in moving forward and with your comments and suggestions we hope to make you all extended producers of our show.

So without further ado we give you episode one of the “Middle Age Warriors”.

Just click the link:


And hopefully to put a little smile on your face………crank up the volume on this one…….

Sunshine Always!!!