That’s Not Going to Happen…
We all develop a reflex response to certain things in life whether we realize it or not. How those responses were formulated is another thing. Some are incubated early on in life and manifest themselves in adulthood. Others come about after living through some life experiences that make us get defensive or protective of ourselves or others.
I’ve been with my woman friend (someone told me using the term girlfriend over 40 is awkward)for over two years. In that time she noticed a phrase I often use in response to situations where I am asked to do certain things. That is, “well that’s not going to happen.”

This didn’t just come about in this relationship I might add, but she was probably one of the first people to call me out on it. I can remember someone trying to get me into playing golf years ago. Then they told me I had to get up at 5AM on a Saturday or Sunday morning. Keep in mind I was waking up Monday thru Friday at 2AM for work. My response to my golfing enthused friends was “well that’s not going to happen.” To be honest…… it still hasn’t. My golfing perspective can be for another blog.
More often now, it is usually in response to my girlfriends’, oops, woman friends’ suggestions on some type of organic cure for something that’s ailing me. Recently I’ve been dealing with small outbreaks of psoriasis. At least that’s what I think it is. Most likely caused by stress. I’ve used Cortisone creams, Neosporin, Gold Bond cream for dry skin etc…. etc. I only got partial relief from any of these. So my Edmi suggested I use organic coconut oil. My response…”put coconut oil on my back? What am I a cookie sheet?! That’s not going to happen.
So one night that was particularly itchy, I gave in. I hate to admit it, but it has worked better than anything I’ve used over the counter. You can imagine I’m still being teased about it by a certain someone, but at least I’m not scratching anymore.

My use of “that’s not going to happen” of course extends well beyond virgin coconut oil. Things like “why don’t you become a Yankee fan”, “wouldn’t you want to swim with the sharks”, “don’t you want to roam the streets of Mumbai with me?” All met with a resounding…… “That’s not going to happen!!”
If I have to psychoanalyze myself, something that’s become my new past time, I would say my response stems from fear of stepping outside the box, trying something new. The fact is, for whatever reason I feel that way, it’s definitely something that has in the past stunted my life and growth. As I move into the next phase of my life I’m making some strides. Yes, even a little more risky than coconut oil.
Maybe I will one day swim with the sharks or walk the streets of Mumbai amongst many other things I thought would never happen, but perhaps they might. In reality, that’s what life’s all about. It’s about doing, not about not doing. It’s short this journey and one never knows how or where it ends. So with that philosophy I find myself not saying “that’s not going to happen” much less often.
However, I guarantee one thing. If asked, “why don’t you become a Yankee fan?” my response will still and always be…… .”that’s not going to happen.”

If you read along this far….thank you.
Sunshine Always!!