What If We All Manage the Mets?

They’ve done it again. Only the Mets can hire a new manager who never manages a single game before he vaporizes. I will say in all honestly, I am not really upset. Nothing personal, but I didn’t believe that Carlos Beltran was the answer. No experience and no fire in the belly. I will leave it there.

That being said, I’m making my bid to be considered for the position. I’ve been a Met fan since 1968. I even know who Don Bosch was. That alone should get me in the door for an interview. I’ve endured the highs and many lows of being a Met fan for over 50 years. I know what the fans want, as well as what they usually know they’re going to get( a true Met fan will understand that line). I’ve coached a few of my sons little games and managed my softball team for a year. However, I have a revolutionary idea if I became manager.
As manager, I would let the fans call the game. In todays world of technology, every time a decision needed to be made, bunt, steal, intentionally walk, take out a pitcher, the ultimate call would be made by the majority vote of the fans. Every person entering the field the day of the game with a phone, will be given a code in which they could respond to my question. Granted it might slow the game down even more, but it would keep the fans much more involved. If the decision worked, the fans would be thrilled and patting themselves on the back. If it didn’t work out, well they couldn’t boo the managers decision, it was their choice.

As time goes on and this evolves, we could include the fans at home as well. Think about it. No more pressure on one man. No blaming the guy sitting in the dugout for leading his troops in the wrong direction. Managing by committee. A huge committee, of the fans of the team.
Early on the manager will still have to make out the starting line-up, but even that can change. The ability to get fans input as the software for the app improves will allow them to decide the line-up of every game.

So ultimately, the most important value of a manager would be more of a therapist. He or she would need to know how to support a player when he needed it, or console or just give one a kick in the butt. This I think I could do. So the managerial position would become more of a hybrid between therapist, social worker and cheerleader. I know you’re laughing right now, but I’m telling you I can see Tony Robbins managing the Mets.

If you really think about it, what is the purpose of any professional sport team. It’s entertainment. It’s entertainment for the fans, many who live and die with the results of their team. Shouldn’t we all really have a say in what goes into it. We watch and listen to the games on TV & radio and now live streaming. Money is generated because of that. Imagine how much more involved and potentially how many more fans you would have if they all felt they had a real say in what was happening with their team day to day.
I know this won’t happen tomorrow, but I’m putting it out there for the future of the game and it’s fans. Once again maybe I have too much time on my hands but “the wheels are turning” as Ed Norton said to Ralph on the Honeymooners. Some of you probably think I need a good “Bang! Zoom!!!” at this point. Maybe I do.
If you’ve gotten this far…. thanks. Would love to know how you feel about this so feel free to leave a comment.
Until next time, sunshine always!