Societal Observations

Words Yet to Say…..

For the past couple of months, and then some, I’ve been working on a project called “I Meant to Tell You” with my partner in crime Edmi De Jesus. Many of you already know that from my other social media posts and have left kind and supportive words.

We would really love to hear from you. Just click on the email address below this and leave your name, location and contact information, ie. email, phone and a couple of lines telling us about the words “you meant to tell”. That’s it. We will then contact you to discuss more about getting the project done and the rest is your story and our editing. We really need all of you for this to get some momentum and hopefully help many hearts heal across the world. We definitely could use that right about now, more than ever. So go ahead and click on the email link and share your thoughts with us.

Follow us on Instagram IMeant2tellu

We still plan on launching the series officially on November 15th. To start, we will have a new episode each week, but would hope we can increase that as the stories and videos come into us.

I’ve put together a website,, as well as a YouTube channel, I Meant to Tell You. Please follow and subscribe if you haven’t already and email us with any thoughts or suggestions for any of the products we are launching with the series.

Most importantly we NEED YOU to support us by being willing participants on the show. While we have had some great stories and been able to complete some episodes, many others have started the process and then abandoned us. We certainly understand the apprehension as we are asking you to reveal and say something that’s very personal to you and potentially putting it out there for the world to see and hear.

I have personally done a segment and have to say it brought me closer to the person who is sadly no longer with us. I relished going back in my heart and head to some of the many fun moments I had with this person. I really think we all have someone we meant to tell something to but just missed our chance. This series is truly giving you that opportunity to say those words in your own way to help heal or reach some type of closure.

Please have a look at a sample preview so you can see how tastefully done the stories are told. All of you have the final say as to what we present on “I Meant to Tell You”.