To Begin Again…..
When I walked out the door of 30 Rock back on July 2, 2019, I had a sense of relief, pride, sadness and fear. The fear was for the unknown of what was ahead. Was another TV weather job waiting for me around the corner? Was I going to be able to do something else in the broadcasting business? Was I done in the industry? If so, what kind of career path was I now heading into. As the great philosopher Yogi Berra once said, “when you come to a fork in the road, take it.” To be honest, as time went on, the fork started to feel more like a knife.
So many people were under the impression I retired. I did not. Despite my many attempts to make that clear, people to this day tell me to enjoy my retirement. What can you do?
As weeks and months went by nobody came knocking for my 30 years of broadcast experience. Then something unexpected did come. Covid-19!! So about 6 months after my final paycheck, a pandemic breaks out in the middle of my job search. Once again, I want to say I was very fortunate to have the career I had and the financial stability and good fortune that many others did not going into this pandemic. That being said, I still wanted to work. To have purpose and a place to belong in the working world.
With the extra time on my hands I developed a podcast with my good friend Rick Sommers called Middle Age Warriors. What better time to take on the persona of a warrior than during the midst of a pandemic. We are still doing the podcast and I have had quite a bit of fun doing it and interviewing some wonderful guests. However, while it feels like a job, it is not. Unless of course you are used to working for nothing. I correlate work and pay together, maybe that’s my mistake.
Another venture, spawned by the pandemic, was a cooking segment called Chris & Edmi’s Kitchen that I shot, directed and edited from our apartment kitchen in NYC. It was fun, and still is. However, once again, after doing this for over a year, the work yields lots of dirty dishes but no $$$$$. I attempted a tee-shirt business called Mindful-Tees……nothing…not a sale.
I played around with other TV show ideas, from game shows to travel shows(useless during a pandemic). I’ve worked on some public speaking concepts, but so has everyone else and their aunt & uncle during this pandemic.

So what to do? I started hearing about some folks getting their real estate licence during the pandemic, as the business was actually heating up, especially in the suburbs where people were fleeing to. I’ve always been interested in shopping for homes and apartments and seeing the different ways to live and call it home. I remembered the different agents I worked with over the years for my moves and I thought this could be fun and challenging at the same time. So I signed up to take the New York State real estate licence course with Real Estate U. It was an in depth 75 hour course taken online. Then you had to pass a proctored final exam off site. Once you passed that you had to pass the official New York State Licence Exam. Doesn’t sound complicated, but during a pandemic making appointments that you could normally arrange a few days in advance, was now taking several weeks. Bottom line is, I passed all the tests, but it took an extra 45-60 days to get the appointments for the exams.
In the meantime, I had been in contact with my cousin who had moved into the real estate business with her husband many years ago. I called them and asked as many questions as I could think of regarding the industry and its current state. They patiently answered them and then some. Fortunately for me, and generously by them, they sponsored me and took me onto their team. So I am now a proud member of the Hardesty Team with Compass real estate company. I say this not just because I am onboard with Compass, but this company is a super tech savvy rapidly growing organization. The tools they provide for their brokers and agents is leagues above the competition. My areas include Westchester County & Manhattan. Of course, once you’re in this industry you soon realize your territory is really just about anywhere, as referrals can become a huge part of the business even if you are not directly selling a home or looking to buy one for a client.
That’s the summary of things from the functional standpoint of what it’s been like trying to start anew. The emotional part and mental part are an entirely different animal.
I certainly know I’m not alone in this. I know many others are much worse off. However what you feel is what you feel. I guess as I sit here and write this blog I would be untruthful if I didn’t say I’m frustrated, angry and a bit depressed. I feel like I’m working everyday, but for nothing. Somewhere along the way of my wiring, I feel if you don’t earn something financially for what you do, even if that financial gain is for a charity, then you are failing. I know it’s not entirely true, but it’s getting tougher everyday to dig down and find that slice of sunshine and positivity.
Honestly I do still believe that just being alive and having another day is a gift. I do understand that. It’s something I learned going through the last 10 years of loss. As long as you are here, or as my friend Rick says, “wake up on the right side of the dirt”, then you have a chance to make something happen. Hopefully something positive and of value to not only you, but to the world.
I don’t know if real estate is the answer. I do know not giving up is. It’s getting tougher to say that and believe it, but it is the only way. The other option is not so great. So while I’m keeping the door open to any and all possibilities, I still try more than ever to stop and take the time to enjoy a sunrise or sunset. A stroll in nature or along the beach. A moment just being still with your partner and hearing their breathing or heartbeat. Laughter…….even the ups and downs of being a Met fan. In the end, those things have more value than a paycheck. Of course I still wouldn’t mind having one again for a little while.
With that I say Sunshine Always! Please find links below to all of my doings and if you’re buying, selling or looking to rent something in the area, please reach out. I may not be the most experienced realtor, but I will be the most honest and I’m backed by folks with tremendous experience who also have found their success in being true and honest with their clients.