Thanksgiving 2020 Still Worthy of Thanks?

When I started this website and blog 15 months ago I had no idea what was ahead, hence the name of the blog, “What’s Next Chris?” I still don’t, but I know what has happened was certainly not in my forecast, let alone the rest of the worlds.
As of the writing of this blog we’ve had over 13 million confirmed cases of the Covid-19 virus with over 268,000 deaths and all numbers taking an upward turn in the last couple of weeks. Those numbers are just in the United States, worldwide numbers are even more staggering. Lives have changed for all of us in some shape or form.
Many have lost loved ones or have some friends or family members battle the virus to various degrees. Others find themselves in economic dire straights from lost jobs and wages. While many small business owners, who have put their entire lives into their stores, have had to permanently shut their doors. It’s easy to be very sad and depressed about the last several months. It’s certainly understandable.
If we all take a beat, we will realize the virus may take a couple of tough shots at us, but by far the majority of us will survive. In the history of mankind we’ve endured plagues far worse, pandemics and even more horrifically, we’ve killed more of each other in wars in which we REALLY had control over.
The point being, if you’re still here. If you are reading this blog, you’ve already got much to be thankful. Believe me, many days I’m not happy about the pall that hangs over the world during this time. I’m tired….I’m drained emotionally and financially certainly looking at a different type of old age retirement plan I had prior to Covid-19. Nonetheless, I’m here and alive and healthy and have the gift to still embrace my family and friends and life. It may not be in the normal way of the past, but I look forward to the days ahead when things in general will be more reminiscent of our pre-covid lives.
While this Thanksgiving is tougher for some than others, take some time today and really think about what we have at this moment. The past can’t be redone. We can learn from it moving forward, but reliving negative emotions from past experiences is an emotional virus that will eventually take your soul. Believe me on this one if you haven’t already done it…..don’t!!!
So let’s try and drop some of the anxiety today. Appreciate what we have…..not what we don’t have. Tomorrow will bring new hope and promise, but it’s not likely to be easy for the next few months. I just hope everyone can continue to respect each other. Stop blaming…stop judging.
Yes, you can still think for yourself, but that takes the responsibility of gathering true and factual information. Everything out in the world today is NOT true. That’s dangerous. Do your homework before you hear something once that sounds outrageous and accept it as the truth. The days of Walter Cronkite are gone. Trust yourself to go and seek the truth, otherwise you might just find yourself one of the sheep being led off to a slaughter.

This went deeper than I wanted, but my true intent was to express my thankfulness for ALL I have in a beautiful family, wonderful friends and my amazing spectacular partner.
Last but certainly not least, I want to say how thankful I am for ALL of you that have continued to follow me during my post NBC days. You truly have no idea how your kind and supportive and often funny words have lifted my spirits from some mostly cloudy times. I am so grateful and I hope in some way I can still give you all something positive in return, whether it be through my blog or podcast or cooking segments or perhaps one of the many other projects I have planned that I can get off the ground once we are comfortable traveling again.

Happy Thanksgiving! God Bless you all. Stay safe…stay well….Sunshine Always!!!