A Blog About Nothing…..

Any Seinfeld fan would know immediately what “the show about nothing” means. In the midst of the last several months, while there were seemingly endless topics or issues to write about, I’m beginning to feel as if that’s really no longer true.
We have beaten topics, issues and ideas to the ground and under. I don’t want to write another blog about the pandemic. I’m so tired of it. The numbers, the deaths, the fear and the politics associated with it. The mask wearing, the anti-mask wearing. The finger pointing at who’s fault it is. The comparing to other countries and how much better they handled it. How about just being a respectful human being to yourself, those around you, and to the planet we rent. Then call it a day…..a better one.
The last six plus months have been the most sickening display of society I’ve seen in my more than half century of life. We have certainly seen more difficult times, but many of us act as if we are the only society to have ever been challenged like this. Get over yourselves.
People criticize and preach to others about their behavior, usually because not much has really changed in their way of living, other than they don’t have to commute to work. They still have their jobs & health care etc. Don’t be so harsh in judging the actions from the worried and anxiety filled that have families of 4 or 6 or more who have no income, because their jobs dried up with the pandemic.
I also find the gun gathering and ammunition hoarders ridiculous. I’m not even going to go there as to the hypocrisy combined with the paranoia this speaks to.
So with all of that said, this was supposed to be a blog about nothing. It looks like a little something leaked out.
I guess my point is, the way I’m feeling right now, writing about nothing is more positive and productive. For the time being my inspiration and positivity are sitting outside the ring and trying to recharge their batteries.
I’m confident they will come back…….but right now……here’s my blog about nothing.

Sunshine Always!!!