One Year Anniversary of “What’s Next Chris” & Other Thoughts
A year ago I was still licking my wounds a bit from the end of my career at WNBC TV in New York. I really didn’t know what life had in store for me as I cautiously moved forward. Would I land another TV job as a meteorologist? Would I have to move to a different city? Would I get a job doing something related to communications on either radio, TV or online?
Well, none of that has happened. However, plenty has happened in the past year, much of which was unplanned and not particularly fortuitous for yours truly. With that being said, I know full well many others have it far worse. I feel for all of you suffering through this past year and the many difficulties it has put upon us all.
In late July of last year I took an online course for starting a blog. Some people suggested it might be fun and cathartic to write about my experiences. I was beginning to travel often and to far off places and thought the blog would be a great place to tell those stories. It was fun to write about my experiences and how traveling healed me and opened my eyes to many new things about the world.
The funny thing was, the blogs that got the most attention were those about my experiences at NBC. Whether it was describing being told my contract was not to be renewed or the ridiculous F bomb story, those blogs received thousands of views.
If I wrote about travel and posted beautiful pictures of various locations around the world I would get considerably less reads. There’s only so much I could write about my NBC issues that I was comfortable with, but perhaps one day there will be more.
That being said, as I reflect on the past year of blogging, I was able to cover social topics as I continue to grow in my relationship with a beautiful woman, Edmi De Jesus. We’ve started working together on some projects as well and I hope some of you have enjoyed “Chris & Edmi’s Kitchen” cooking segments. We have now done over 20 episodes, but we need to continue to grow the fanbase in order to continue. If you have not seen any, you can find them on previous blogs on this page, my Facebook page Chris Cimino Weather, Instagram – Chris Cimino Weather or my YouTube channel……yes……wait for it…… Chris Cimino Weather, please follow or subscribe to any or all if you have not yet.

In addition, I began a podcast back in March with my dear friend Rick Sommers, of Lite-FM fame, to name one of a few things he has been part of in his career. It’s called Middle Age Warriors and can be found anywhere you find your favorite podcasts. Rick & I discuss what it’s like being two middle aged guys out of work but not yet done. At least we hope not. We’ve had some great guests on and look forward to many more. We are linked to the Bleav Podcast Network. Again, we need downloads and listeners so that we can get some advertisers for the show to keep it going. Unfortunately, nothing happens by itself.

OK. I’m done begging.
The other thing that happened about 7 months into this blog was the arrival of Covid-19. The first “real” pandemic for this generation. It has put the world both upside down and inside out. It has divided instead of uniting. Politics, healthcare & social injustice have managed to intertwine themselves into a very ugly child. This country has collectively showed its worst in this time instead of its best.
I preferred not to get super political or preachy during this time on the blog. Every where you turn on social media or TV we are bombarded with views, opinions, & conspiracy theories. The list goes on and on. I’m tired of looking at posts from friends and others on social media preaching to me or condescendingly in a passive way telling us what we should be or not be doing. If you don’t get it by now and don’t know what the most respectful and intelligent approach we can have to this pandemic is, then it’s time to go back in your cave or under a rock.
The negativity can become overwhelming. We as a world and a country have been through much much worse. You wouldn’t know it though, by the fear and anxiety that we perpetuate upon ourselves every moment of every day.
This is a terrible thing that has happened. I feel for those that have lost someone and could not be with them in their final moments. For not being able to give them the proper send off they deserved. That hurts my heart and sickens my stomach.
However, if we are here on this planet we all experience life and birth to get here and we will all experience death. The way in which this happens is generally not know or predetermined from what my life has taught me so far.
The point being, we need to focus on the living. The good living. The living that includes joy and love and appreciation for the world around us. I’ve never been at a point in my five decades of life that I can remember so many people wanting to focus on the negative everyday. That’s going to be there forever.
Another thing that irks me is the judgementality of people preaching from their social media pulpit. If your life hasn’t changed other than you have to stay in your cozy home more often. Or you can’t go on vacation to the places you desired, but yet you still have your job and your health benefits for your family. Please try and understand the fear and desperation leading to some of the behavior you might deem selfish or inappropriate during this pandemic from others. You are not in these peoples shoes.
Everyones situation is different. Even in the scenario of going back to school. It’s just not so simple as the kids stay home. It’s not an easy choice for the family struggling to pay their rent or mortgage who have to go to work and can’t leave their two kids under 10 years old home alone. They can’t afford childcare as they relied on after school programs. These are tough choices. I don’t have definitive answers. All I’m saying is let’s try and be a little more understanding of peoples choices or opinions even if they don’t fit ours. Some things are obvious in what’s right or wrong (ie. mask wearing). Others are not so clear. Let’s try and find some of that long lost feeling……..compassion.
Finally, very few voices are being heard that speak of how this pandemic is teaching us some positive things. It’s really all about perspective. It takes work in times like these to find the light. I battle every day looking for it above the dark heavy clouds that surround us in these days. It’s there. It’s just harder to find. If it’s easier for you to wallow under the darkness of the clouds, then so be it. However, try not to make others around you have to feel the same way. It is a choice that is ours.
If you got this far…..thanks for listening. Sunshine Always!!!!!