Fighting Destiny & Looking Ahead to 2020

In the walk through life it becomes clearer that the longer we are here, the more we learn. Hopefully we change and adapt in a positive way from these experiences. In route to this, I find I’m often falling back on the Don Henley line, “the more I know, the less I understand, all the the things I thought I knew, I’m learning again.” Is that because the things we thought we figured out have now changed, as well as ourselves? Is this an endless loop of just chasing our tails?

This is a classic case of having too much time on my hands and not enough distractions. Seems like a bad thing, but is it? From my experience at this point, its not the greatest fun I’ve ever had in my life, but I feel like I’m getting closer to understanding something that is quite valuable.
I had a philosophical conversation with a good friend the other day. It’s funny how early in life, the things that we focus on, are usually things we’ve not ever experienced yet. Experiences that take us closer to this preconceived notion of being what we really want to be, or accomplish, or have in our possession. Yet things can arise that suggest someone didn’t read the script (at least our script), painfully ignorant to our plan.

They come under the name of unexpected illness and tragic deaths and losses. How dare that get in the way of my plan. I didn’t do anything to deserve that! Did I? Well, the point of the conversation was that no matter the plan. No matter how careful or how wreck-less you treat your life, it seems predetermined. Our destiny was resolved long before we get to it. Was the writing always on the wall.
So the questions are: can we change our destiny? Should we not focus on things so much and worry and stress because it’s already been written? It will happen no matter what we do. Wow. My head hurts just thinking about this stuff.

I clearly need to get a job or get back to traveling. Of course, I now need a job to keep traveling.
I’m not sure why I’m at this point. Since I hit 50, my incredibly stable life has turned into something I wouldn’t recognize as my life in any shape or form from the previous five decades. The last piece I had that was stable, still the same, was my job. That is now gone. I guess this is just another mourning process and time to figure out how to pick myself up and move on.
So many people have it much worse. In the big picture, I’m fine. If this life ended tomorrow, I would say it was pretty amazing. Pain makes joy more joyful. I think now it’s more about finding the right purpose moving forward. Give something back. Make your life worthy. Say thank you for this existence in a way I haven’t yet.
Then I stop and wonder…… is it already laid out and I’m just in the process of getting there?

This is a heavy way to finish up the year and my first 5 months of blogging. So let me lighten it up a bit.
I’m excited about what’s ahead for 2020. Of course, I can’t say or type or read 2020 without hearing Barbara Walters voice. I’m blessed to be in a relationship with an amazing woman who puts up with me and continuously encourages me as I move forward in life. My kids are beautiful, healthy and vibrant young people. I still get to share holidays with Mom and my family. The Mets have new ownership and management. Hey. It’s a start!
I’ve got many projects planned for 2020. I will rely heavily on your input and feedback. I want to do things that all of you out there want to see and hear and benefit from as much if not more than I do. I will need your help with some of these projects on various levels as we move forward.

I plan on jumping back into the weather world, although not on traditional TV, but through other means where I can be more creative and interactive with my audience. I have some travel projects I hope some of you will come along and join me. My podcast is about ready to launch in a couple of weeks. I’ll keep blogging while I can.
Once again I can’t thank you all enough for your support and love over the years that continues today. It truly means the world to me. Without it, I may not be here today.

So here’s to a healthy, happy, wonderfully prosperous New Year to all! Stay along with me for the ride and I will do my best to make it worth it.
Sunshine always!!