For the Love of a Dog – Part II
In the last blog I detailed the story about what led up to the day that Sir Charles, our family’s miniature dachshund arrived. Despite my wife and I strongly suggesting he not.
Well, like most of our demands or suggestions put upon our children, he did not listen. After I fired off the email begging him not to bring the dog home and all the reasons behind that request, he replied with his reasons why he needed to have the dog. Of course he used his cancer ordeal as one of the reasons why he would feel comfort with the companionship of a dog. That pretty much took me out of the game.

I was still reeling with my Dad at that point who was fighting a losing battle against mesothelioma, and then my son, my first baby, being diagnosed with cancer. Him bringing a dog home just didn’t seem worth fighting over.
I remember I printed out his email and brought it home from work. I walked into the kitchen, looked at my wife and said, “I’m out! ” I put the paper down on the table and said, ” I’m not fighting over this one anymore” My wife, Nancy, read the email and just went silent. She did appear a bit pale.

The next day when I came through the front door, I was met by this black gate formed into a cage and some wee wee pads on the floor. When I looked a little closer I saw this little brown creature who looked like a small stuffed toy dog. He was the cutest living thing I had ever seen. I remember picking him up and being afraid I would break him.

I knew I was in love but what about momma? How could she resist?
Well she played a little hard to get in the beginning, but this wasn’t a dog. This was a baby. Soon her maternal instincts took over and she became the dogs number one nurturer. Over time those two developed a morning routine together. It was one that included the cleaning of the butt area by my wife, using specific doggy wipes, after his morning walk.
What happened? Was this the same woman who forbade having a dog in her home? What powers did this little puppy have on her. Simply. Unconditional love. That’s what dogs bring you. Unlike children, they don’t talk back, although some may try. They don’t require cars and college tuition to name a few of the larger expenses. They so appreciate the love and attention they get and return it tenfold.

As time went on Charles became mostly our dog. He lived with us. We walked him and fed him and played with him. My son graduated college and began working and was not around very much. My daughter would play with him and love him for awhile, then get bored and move on. The person who continued to take on the greatest responsibilities with the dog was my wife. She loved him like a child. She bathed him to the point people would criticize and say you’re trying to make your dog too clean and that’s not good for their skin.

She was the one who hated leaving the house and having to leave Charles behind. She would look at his sad face watching us close the front door as we walked out of the house and say “see, this is why I didn’t want a dog!” Oh really? Why? Because you might love him too much.
It was funny to have watched that whole relationship evolve. It was special to see, and since my wife passed on, I feel like part of her remains in Charles, it’s why I feel something special when I get to spend time with him these days.
I will always marvel at the way this long eared, short legged, brown little creature, managed to get her to love him the way she did. It says a lot about both of them. It was a beautifully sweet thing to see.
Charles is now living with my son and daughter-in-law and I settle for occasional visits. He greets me every time with his unflappable enthusiasm.
Wagging tail, whimpering and crying, for good measure a little tinkle from excitement. This he has done since he was a puppy. While some things change over time, the love and connection I have with my Sir Charles will never waver. He is indeed my third child.