Two Guys & a Car in Italy(Part2)
With our flight landing in Rome obviously this would be our first stop for our Italy adventure. I’ve always enjoyed and loved the city from its historical aspects more than its random slices at modernization.

I find Rome to really be one of the most romantic cities in the world at night. Something about that yellow incandescent lighting that makes everything feel like you’re in a painting or a movie and you get to move about within it. Maybe I drank too much wine in the evenings in Rome.

We only had two nights in Rome, and on one of them Joe decided to head into the Jewish Quarters, or Jewish Ghetto neighborhood. I had not been there on my first visit to Rome, but figured why not.
It turned out to be this very cool almost eclectic atmosphere of restaurants, bars and clubs. Needless to say we were not exactly the youngsters amidst the throngs of people that kept growing as we went deeper into the night.

The tip about this area is that the restaurant prices are less expensive than the touristy parts of Rome. That includes the cost of the wine as well. Worth a few hours of an evening if you’re ever in Rome.

From Rome it was off to Maiori a beautiful town along the Amalfi coast. In the province of Salerno it holds the longest stretch of beach along the Amalfi coast.

Visually the Amalfi coast is one of my favorite places on the planet. Its’ geography of mountains pushed up against a beautiful ocean tapering down to the narrow coastal beaches is what catches my eyes. That, and the beautiful and often brightly colored homes that dapple the hillside.

A great way to work your way up along the Amalfi coast is by water taxi. You can hop on and hop off at different points depending on the ticket you purchase. We stopped at Positano and the town of Amalfi, as well as Minori, the smaller town to Maiori which was where our hotel was based. You could also take the boat to the Isle of Capri, which is another gem along the coast.

Finally, before we leave the coast and head inland, I would be remiss to not mention another great town we spent time in one afternoon, Ravello. Now this place is a painting in real life. Places don’t come more picturesque. Mine will not do it justice, but here are a few. Plus the food and wine here are mouth watering.

That’s it for Part II. Cheers, as we start our journey from the Mediterranean coast to the Adriatic coast. Found some surprises along the way and more on why this trip made me want to live life to its fullest in my next blog.
Again…….if you got this far…..thanks and sunshine always!!!