Two Guys & a Car in Italy

You know when you agree to something the first time you hear it, but then wonder what the hell was I thinking? I had one of those moments almost two years ago with a great friend. I was still dealing with a lot of darkness from my wife’s passing and a ton, I mean a ton of other emotional baggage that came with it.
I often felt trapped and as if I couldn’t breathe. Some not so great thoughts came into my head the first few months after the loss. I may or may not talk about those down the road, we shall see. But this blog is the story of what turned it around for me. What gave me purpose and appreciation of and for life again.
I will preface this blog with the fact that it’s going to be in several parts as we traversed from the Mediterranean side of Italy to the Adriatic. With many stops in between coasts, we travelled nearly 1000 miles in 9 days by car
A quick bit of background about my friend Joe. He met my wife in college in 1981 as they were both majoring in accounting. They quickly became friends and by the Fall of 1984, my wife and I were their best man and maid of honor in their wedding.
Over the years we remained close, as we both had a son and daughter and grew to become like family. Joe, as well as his amazing better half Maria, are the type of people who will give you the shirt off their backs, no questions, if you were in need.

It was nearly a year or so after I had lost my wife, and I would periodically get together with Joe & Maria for dinner at their place in Hamilton Square, NJ. Joe knew I was having a rough time and suggested a guys road trip. I thought, ok, maybe he wants to head upstate for a bit into the mountains to chill.
Silly me. This is Joe I’m talking about here. He wants to go on a 9 day excursion through Italy from the Mediterranean coast to the Adriatic. Stopping in smaller more unique and less touristy type towns. Little did I know what was ahead of me.
I’m hoping this blog provides you a few things. The obvious, to show you the beauty of my native homeland and that it inspires you to visit some of the less popular places. Those that really allow you to absorb the culture and flavor the different regions of Italy have to offer.

Secondly, the value of friendship. Being there for another human being when they are hurting and are in need.
Last, but not least, the power of travel and changing your environment periodically, to both help us appreciate where we are, but also to help us reset for the lives we are returning to.
I quickly discovered there was zero chance of me getting a job as a TV weather person in Italy.

OK. Back to the journey. Rome first stop.

See you for part 2, which really begins the journey. Hope you stop by. Sunshine Always!!!