Archived Posts

What’s in an F-Bomb?

September 17, 2019

I was going to try and let some more time pass before I addressed this issue of my unfortunate open microphone during a Today Show local weather update. Truth is, I was very close to letting it just pass into the ether of the internet. However, through this blog and other Instagram and Facebook posts, I continue to see the incident coming up as a possible cause for my demise from WNBC in the eyes of some viewers posts.

I’m not going to belabor the point, but I am at the stage in my life where the truth is still something I prefer, even if it hurts. I have my flaws and have made mistakes and I will continue to do my best in dealing with them, some privately, some publicly. Being authentic and taking accountability are things that resonate more with me the more I live life.

If you were to do a Google search of Chris Cimino, especially a month or two ago, the first few items that would come up would be various websites articles on “ WNBC weatherman drops F-bomb!”

Here are just a few……..

I’ve covered Superstorm Sandy…..Hurricane Katrina on the Today Show and many other big weather stories. Apparently the way to get attention is to say something accidently inappropriate.

Two points I want to make before I get into the details of what happened. First and foremost, I want to apologize to any and all that were offended by what they heard. It was never intended for the public to hear. It was meant to stay between just me and the person I was speaking. I will get into the details of the conversation in which the offensive word was heard and try to put it into the context of the conversation momentarily.

Secondly, no matter the circumstances that led to this incident, I am ultimately responsible for what happened. When you wear a microphone, you must assume it can potentially be a hot mic for anyone to hear you at any time.

So to set up the logistics, during the Today Show when Al Roker or whoever is working that day finishes delivering the national weather forecast, they then go to the local weather person for a hard timed 28 seconds of that TV markets weather forecast. In other words, when Al says “here’s what’s happening in your neck of the woods…..” here in New York it was me. If you were watching in LA it was their weather person, or Miami, or Chicago.

Typically for a very long time, the format was that the Today Show would do news headlines, then Al’s weather, then throw to local at the top and bottom of each hour. Over the years, with some format changes, that consistent pattern started to become inconsistent.

Now, it’s not unusual for Al to come on with the big weather story at the top of the hour, but instead of going to local weather he goes back to the Today Show. He then comes back a few minutes later and hands off to the local weather. During the 8AM hour this happens often. On a rare occasion, Al would toss to local with that first weather hit of his, but most of the time it wasn’t until his second appearance in that half hour that I would then give my local forecast. This led me and all local weather people waiting from around 8AM until sometimes as late as 8:20. We were on standby wondering when they were going to go to local weather.

So on the morning of April 11th at about 8:01AM Al comes on talking about a big storm, I believe in the far west. I run into the studio in my standby position just in case he tosses to local, standing in front of the camera as a precaution, but we all figure it’s the usual and he doesn’t come to local. I go back into the weather center at that point, which is in the backside of the studio in a separate room where you really are no longer in the studio visually.

At this time I was attempting to download some pictures off of my computer at work and put them on my personal devices. I lost the pictures almost three years earlier when I jumped into a pool with my phone in a side pocket of my swimsuit. A friendly note, always back up on the icloud. Back then, when I charged my phone using the PC at work, the pictures automatically downloaded. The reason theses pictures were so important is that many had various family events and vacation photos from the last couple of years that my wife Nancy was still with us. It was important to me I keep these personal pictures for myself and kids and get them off the work computer.

As I was looking at them I started to reminisce and get emotional. At some point, I began a conversation with a friend and co-worker sitting in the office with me about how strange it is when suddenly someone is taken from your life and then how as time moves on your perspective changes in order for you to survive. In order for you to move on.

In the meantime I had removed my ear piece, known as an IFB, from my ear due to some harsh testing tones blaring through just a few minutes earlier. Being distracted in a deep discussion I never put the ear piece back in. I lost sense of time and in my head already thought I did the Today Show local weather hit.

While I was expressing to my friend that I had to let the Chris that was with Nancy die with her, “he needed to pass too. It’s fu@king weird but it’s the only way I’ve been able to move on….”. As bad luck would have it, it was at that point, unbeknownst to me, Al tossed to the local weather. Through a series of possible levels of protection to prevent that from happening all collectively falling through, my microphone opened up at that point in my private conversation. So everyone at home watching and listening became privy to what I thought was a very private and personal moment.

Certainly there were things that could have been done to prevent that from happening. But as I said earlier, the blame originates and ends with me. I lost sense of time and where I was, while wearing a microphone. Case closed. In nearly 24 years it was only the 2nd cut-in I ever missed, but was left exposed and it bit me you know where.

For those who heard it, while again there is no place for that word in regular broadcast TV, I apologize. But calling it an F-Bomb???!!! That seems a little extreme. It was said off camera. Directed at no one. Used as an adjective not a verb. Spoken in a low conversational tone. Shall I continue. In the history of F-Bombs on live TV or Radio mine was pretty lame.

That being said, management immediately came down to tell me what had happened, as I had no idea. I apologized, but really was in a very strange emotional state, it all seemed very surreal. I remained at work wondering if HR would get involved or if the phones were ringing in the newsroom with irate viewers. Neither seemed to happen and I went home tail between my legs.

I was later told not to apologize publicly and just let it blow over. Well that wasn’t so easy. I woke up from my usual midday nap to a flurry of text messages from friends and family asking me if I was OK. My girlfriend told me to go look online. It was blowing up. I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It must have been a very slow news day. Some of the responses from viewers were funny but most were forgiving and I really appreciated that in helping put it all in perspective.

So moving forward to less than a month later, I was called into the office to be told my contract was not going to be renewed. I wasn’t sure if the so called F-Bomb was the reason or just helped them make the decision. When I asked, I was told that the unfortunate incident had nothing to do with my being shown the door. I will never definitely know, but let me just say I knew the writing was on the wall long before that point.

I hope to put this to bed finally. I did not retire. I did not get fired or suspended for the F-bomb incident. To be honest it was more like an F-Lob, but the world kept spinning and I’m still here. However, my view of things is much different today. Upward and onward to another day. I can only hope that soon a search of my name on Google is about something positive I have done. I’m already on the job.

Once again….if you got this far…..sunshine always!!!

  • Pat Gerrity September 17, 2019 at 2:08 pm

    Funny I must have been working on the the day of the f lob incident, I only found out about it when i googled you after your departure was announced. As someone who enjoys using the the f word at work quite often, I usually assume when I get called in the office it is because someone has complained. Truth is people rarely care.
    I am pretty sure your contract was not renewed because your replacement is making significantly less money than you. I stopped watching local ABC news when they dropped Mara Wolensky for flipping the bird, so definitely time for me to move on from WNBC. Good luck on your new adventure.

    • Arlene Elsasser September 17, 2019 at 11:21 pm

      Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Sue Simmons do the exact same thing. Yet I don’t believe anything happened to her!!! Too bad they made such a big deal about it obviously they haven’t watched some of the “family” shows on NBC. Always a double standard. Well, you are the better person. Enjoy life and move on, we sure do miss you, you were and are a class act and that they can’t take away!!!!

      • Fred September 18, 2019 at 11:38 am

        Ms. Simmons left shortly after her incident despite great public support unfortunately

        • Douglas Smith September 18, 2019 at 8:23 pm

          It was four years between Sue Simmons’ incident (2008) and her last broadcast (2012). She was let go because she was getting older, and she was a woman. Chuck Scarborough, her longtime co-anchor, is only two years younger and remains on the air.

  • Jeanne September 17, 2019 at 2:10 pm

    We still love you and you might just be thankful for that f-bomb, it is bringing you to another chapter of your life 😘

    • John Conti September 19, 2019 at 3:44 pm

      Like my HR wife likes to say, sometime the decisions made for us actually work out to be best. I hope for you. As for me, and likely many of your other viewers, I miss you. You always brought a calming and reassuring start to my day.

  • Fabiola September 17, 2019 at 2:12 pm

    While I appreciate your heartfelt apology, I want you to know it’s not necessary. At least to me. I find it hypocritical that NBC fired you almost immediately for this faux pas, while it took years to get rid of Lauer, and that’s where I’ll stop on THAT subject. You were always the consummate professional and should’ve been afforded a bit more wiggle room, perhaps a public mea culpa and a warning. But alas, it wasn’t to be; and you know what? I’m glad! Though I miss you bunches on tv, I feel like I’m actually getting to know Chris now, without the contract constraints, and the public persona that was expected of an NBC employee, and I love it! I do miss what I expected to be a copious amount of Sir Charles pics, tho; make it happen, man!😁 Love ya! Keep these coming!

    • texwx September 17, 2019 at 2:36 pm

      Oh dont worry the Sir Charles pictures and blog is in the making. Thank you for your kind words but to reiterate I was allegedly not let go because of the F-Bomb. If that was the case I doubt they would have kept me around for another 3 months.

  • Joe Avena September 17, 2019 at 2:28 pm

    Chris I love how you framed this. Life is strange and perception replaces reality. We have been friends for 38 years, you rarely have ever cursed I can probably count those times on less than one hand, me on the other hand…. As your friend the internet stories still bother me as I know what a solid individual and stand up person that you are. I love the Blogs, until our next dinner…keep your head high

    • texwx September 17, 2019 at 2:38 pm

      Love you brother. Thanks Joe.

  • Maureen September 17, 2019 at 2:31 pm

    I love all your blogs, NBC screwed up letting you go!! Chris, keep doing you and giving us all wonderful insight on all the things around us, you are missed every day. Have not tuned in since you were let go! I loved that you were the most authentic person on that show! Keep the blogs coming😁

    • Tina Frost September 17, 2019 at 8:31 pm

      My family and I tuned into the local NY news during mornings because of you. We truly miss your upbeat and genuine presence . Very sorry to hear about the loss of your wife.Hoping you will find your way back to the airwaves soon.

  • Susan Calabro September 17, 2019 at 2:34 pm

    You owe no one an apology, we all have our moments and unfortunately what was a private one for you become very public. I agree with the other comment that I also just happened ed to catch your departure and no idea that it even happened. I’ve been in upper management for a long time and have learned not one individual is perfect, we all make mistakes. Sometimes things happen for a reason and in the end, they probably did you a favor! Their loss is another networks gain. Stay well and I’m loving your blog!

  • Beth September 17, 2019 at 2:48 pm

    Love you Chris & your new blog! Our society can be pretty hypocritical at times. I mean really, in current times, who hasn’t used the “F” word at some point in their lives? It’s simply just another word, no ones life was destroyed over you accidentally saying it on air!

  • Barbara September 17, 2019 at 3:09 pm

    Love you Chris and miss seeing you everyday! Looking forward to your next chapter.

  • Jean M. September 17, 2019 at 3:19 pm

    As always 100% beautiful writing. It’s difficult to not somehow connect what happened with the mic and then your not being renewed, however, I know you say that’s not the reason. With social media it has to be a horrible feeling to see your name and all negative for the most part when you are a fine gentlemen and so much more. The positive thing is most people know this. I miss you and I believe it all happened for a reason. Just look at how much you have done in this time. No doubt we haven’t seen the last of your weatherman days. Life is sometimes so unfair. Chin up and tough skin to a very classy, well mannered gentlemen.

  • Fred Maller September 17, 2019 at 3:36 pm

    Hypocritical? Yes! Immature? Yes! Unprofessional? Yes! I guess we know what the NBC stands for now…No B*lls Company. They could have “had your back” and had you apologize and then issued an apology and addressed the issue at once and moved on. But like most impersonal and greedy businesses they decided to let a valued employee sink or swim on their own in the public eye and then drop him! Doesn’t surprise me. Disappoints me though. No loyalty to a well respected meteorologist that the public trusts and knows for decades. The President of the United States has done worse and not been dropped! I also just want to say just because someone is a public person it does not mean they cannot show feelings and emotions. One four letter word should not end someone’s career at a company they are at for almost three decades. Do I have an opinion you bet your a**!!!

  • Terri September 17, 2019 at 3:38 pm

    Still miss you in the morning, in fact I stopped watching NBC in the morning and now watch FOX. I’ve been there where you are let go(now fires) but keep wondering was it something I did. Everything happens for a reason and when you look back a few years from now you will feel it was for the best. Your life will be better for it

  • Dolores September 17, 2019 at 5:10 pm

    Having not known any of this, reading this blog almost makes me chuckle. I was a classroom teacher for 19 years, and the “F” word is a staple in my vocabulary. It always amazed me that I never let loose in the classroom. Purely divine intervention I’m sure! LOL I am sorry that you had to share a very private moment of your life because of a simple slip of the lip that was never supposed to be public. I love your honestly and the fact that you shared that with us. I don’t usually Google people, and don’t intend to Google you either, until this mess is washed out and the true Chris is represented. Love you my friend! XO

  • Mike September 17, 2019 at 5:11 pm

    Your departure is NBC’s loss. The world is too sensitive to everything these days I am sure it came down to money. I would bet that your replacement makes much less then you do.
    I wish you continued happiness in what ever you do next.

  • JUDY ZANGRILLI September 17, 2019 at 5:46 pm

    I always enjoyed you doing the weather and sharing thoughts on the Today Show. I hope that you find another spot in the NY area so that I may watch you again. Hopefully you find peace and happiness in whatever is next for you.

  • Howard September 17, 2019 at 5:46 pm

    Chris, we all make those errors in life but yes when you make it, millions of people could hear (lol) but seriously, with all the issues we have going in in the world today a slip of an f bomb seems to be down on the big issues. It was an accident, everyone knows how professional you are and NBC lost the best meteorologist they had, and that includes Al Roker. You will come out on top no doubt…Stay strong my friend!

  • April September 17, 2019 at 6:57 pm

    Funny that I was thinking the exact same thing when I googled you. Unfortunately, it’s the way of the world these days and social media seems to highlight the negative as opposed to a person’s accomplishments. I hope you realize that you are missed and loved by many. What an impression you made on our lives! We are all writing our own books. One chapter ends, another begins. Enjoy it all!!!

  • Kim September 17, 2019 at 7:24 pm

    I never even knew that happened, and I am online quite a bit and live in North Jersey. I was saddened to see you were no longer on NBC. You spoke at the elementary school I taught at several years ago (through Patty R.). We were all so impressed by your kindness (and good looks 😂). I do believe there are brighter days ahead and I’m so glad to see you have found love again without diminishing your love for your wife. I’m sure she’s smiling down and would tell you finding happiness trumps any job. Looking forward to your next chapter!

  • Mary Ann Molinari September 17, 2019 at 7:25 pm

    I’m sorry that you had to be the next casualty of NBC. It seems if you make one wrong move with them your out. I think that’s so terrible. I was broken hearted to find out that you were leaving because of this. I hope that you are well and you are enjoying life.

  • Thad September 17, 2019 at 7:27 pm

    I did not hear the bad word nor did I hear about it. I was sure you were on vacation most of the summer but when you were not in on the Tuesday after Labor Day I went to Google. That was the first I had heard of the incident and your departure. Even then, I was sure that leaving was your decision. You were the weather authority in our house for the entire 22 years we have lived in NY. I can’t watch Today NY any more and feel good. I have to find an alternative. God bless and best of luck! I will read the blogs!

  • Susan September 17, 2019 at 7:51 pm

    I want to echo every comment here. I hope you find peace and happiness in reading how you were so loved and respected by your viewers . We are all grateful you continue to keep us entertained with your very well written blogs.

  • Roseann September 17, 2019 at 9:02 pm

    same here didnt hear about this incident until i did a search to find out why you were leaving. whatever the reason i stopped watching because i really dont like when they have a good team in place and decide to break it up either because of money or any other ridiculous reason. You should still be there! But as we know life is short and everything happens for a reason so onward and upward. Great things ahead for you and we will be following. all the best!

  • wendy reich September 17, 2019 at 10:16 pm

    I’m gad you are moving on… Thanks for sharing, although I am sorry you even felt you had to do so.

    • Elle September 18, 2019 at 3:38 pm

      I was watching on 4/11 and I never heard it! I don’t pay attention to Al Roker, only because I want to know the weather for the Jersey Shore and you always covered it. I’m sorry this happened to you, but you seem happy and that’s all that matters. I’m was sad to see you leave I watched you every morning, with your 3 friends.

  • Sue September 17, 2019 at 10:27 pm

    You are a class act. Miss you on WNBC. It’s not the same without you. When one door closes another one opens. Enjoy sleeping in, traveling, etc.. I love your blog and I cant wait to see where you land. Good luck.

  • Gary Hahl September 17, 2019 at 11:02 pm

    You have always been a true professional sir. I truly miss you every morning. No matter how bad things were you were a calming influence. I wish nothing but the best and will follow you no matter where you go Chris.

  • Mary Ann September 17, 2019 at 11:25 pm

    I think you are amazing – you know what? We all are, for getting through life’s unexpected difficulties and challenges that bring us to most unexpected places; thankfully more of a “going toward” then “moving away.” I have remarried to a wonderful man who lost his wife as well. The sun shines, life is good and we get to turn to a new chapter. Best of everything to you and your family. I miss you in the morning on NBC, but that was only a slice of who you are.

  • Linda C. September 18, 2019 at 3:18 am

    Thank you for sharing – it can’t be easy. I miss seeing you every morning. I can’t decide if I feel sorry for Darlene and Michael or that I am mad at them. Every time they smile or do chit chat with the new girl, it infuriates me. I know that is unfair – this is their job and I’m sure they want to keep it. I just can’t watch it. I don’t watch the other channels either. I check out the weather channel on my phone. My house is quiet. I have absolutely no doubt you will be back in our living rooms very soon. I can’t wait!

  • Nora September 18, 2019 at 12:29 pm

    Hi Chris! I’m so sad you are no longer part of our daily life and routine. I agree wholeheartedly with all the other comments! You truly are a class act, in every way! We will continue to miss you, but are also excited to see where your new journey takes you! Best of Luck and continued happiness to you!
    But Chris!!!—Please tell us you were able to save all your precious photos and treasured memories!!!

  • Evelyn September 18, 2019 at 3:35 pm

    I miss seeing you in the morning doing the weather. It’s not the same without you. I was able to watch your last show and wanted to know what happened. I did google and saw all the articles on the F-bomb.
    Stay strong. Things happen for a reason and think about this as a new chapter in your life. Onwards to greater and new adventures in life.

  • John Mazzeo September 18, 2019 at 4:41 pm

    Mr Cimino, you have no reason to apologize, situation’s happen in life. I assumed that you were on vacation, until I asked my wife what happened to Chris. She explained, and I became very upset and depressed because I woke up with you every morning for the past two plus decades before commuting to work . Well now, I just get ready and put channel 4 on for the news and quickly leave to go too work. I am happy that you were able to clear your mind and move on. I hope to see you soon on a different channel or whatever direction you take in life . A devoted fan . P.S -your friend joe is incredible, a true friend and family. Buona Fortuna

  • Jeff Blazewicz September 18, 2019 at 8:23 pm

    Chris: Your transparency in refreshing. Anyone who has ever donned a mic has had a similar incident. We the viewers are often mystified by what “upstairs” thinks we like and don’t like and obviously have no idea what that “handwriting” was saying about you. However – as the viewer/consumer – they made a mistake. You are professional with a good connection to the audience. You illicit trust from us in how you did your job. Bad stuff happens to good people but…karma is a great equalizer. Hoping your life takes you where you want to go…

  • Marie September 18, 2019 at 9:02 pm

    Chris, Thank you for this post!! Its been a real mystery and I’m sure your fans appreciate your letting us know. I heard the F-lob (perfect) that morning, I chuckled briefly and thought nothing of it. Clearly it was a private conversation you were having and clearly it was an innocent mic mishap. End of story, so you would think. Later in July, I tuned in as I do every morning and you weren’t there. I assumed vacation. It became a longer vacation. I came back from my vacation and when you still weren’t there, i knew something was rotten in Denmark. I personally believed your departure was scheduled during 4th of July weekend to softball the exit. ??? As a devoted fan of you and the entire news team, what can I say, you made my day. Its just not the same without you. Not even close. Truly saddened by the loss of your morning presence. I think I saw somewhere you are heading to Philly? Good luck to you!!

  • Faye September 18, 2019 at 9:08 pm

    Thank Chris for explaining, although, you have nothing to apologize for. Things happen! I’ve watched you for as long as I can remember, and always looked forward to your weather. I have to say, I don’t much attention to the weather anymore because I’m not a fan of Maria LaRosa (?).

  • Mickey Kreush September 18, 2019 at 9:52 pm

    Chris, I had no idea this had happened. I leave very early for work and only get to watch from 4:30 til 5;45 then I’m gone. I did google your name but never came across this story. As I have previously commented, it’s their loss. If it wasn’t for Darlene and Michael, I would tune in to another channel for the news. To be honest, when Maria comes on to tell the weather, I lower the volume. Im not a fan. I MISS YOU!

  • Christine Miragliotta September 18, 2019 at 10:02 pm

    I am not a fan of the changes Chris. I only watched NBC for you. I am enjoying your blog and wish you all the best in your endeavors.

  • Mike Fraraccio September 18, 2019 at 10:15 pm

    Hi Chris! As far as I’m concerned no need to apologize. You are a class act and you are missed. It’s truly NBC’s loss, as well as ours, but we’re confident we’ll be seeing you once again in the near future. For now, enjoy each day, and spending time with the people who love you. Buona Fortuna!

  • Homeira Walter September 18, 2019 at 10:58 pm

    I thank you for your perspective and please know that your friendly cheery tone is deeply missed in this household. I’m a true believer in what goes around comes around so I know great things are still ahead for you! Best of luck and tread boldly with your chin held high!

  • Susan Friedman September 19, 2019 at 1:00 am

    Excellent read, laced with frustration, love and devotion. Sadly, the powers that be these days know very little about who and what resonates with viewers. You did that perfectly and of course, knew your job just as perfectly. From a simple sunny day to the worst storms on the horizon, you were calm, factual and clearly told the story. For the network to let you go was/is foolish. It wasn’t their first mistake and won’t be their last. Your devotion to family shines through in words and pictures. The loss of your wife is a story that will slowly get different, but the pain will remain — as you know — at the simplest of times. While she was taken decades too early, she is in your heart forever. Think of what she would have said to you after the job loss occurred … Actor Martin Short wrote a book a few years ago and spoke lovingly about his ‘Nancy’ who was also gone too soon. No matter how much time has passed, he continues to talk to her, laugh with her, etc. Just thought that’s a lovely way to try to cope and get through the day when the other part of you is missing.

    Hope to see you back on the air one day soon but if not right now, you’ll do fine in whatever new adventures await you. Stay well!

  • Tara Vuono September 19, 2019 at 2:07 am

    As a longtime viewer, we are loyal to you. As you have seen from the thousands of comments and posts from viewers who are unhappy about your departure. We get attached to you guys & gals. We are sad when you experience unfortunate times and are happy for you when things are great. I will speak for us all when I say I’m still extremely unhappy about this decision by NBC. Wishing you every happiness Chris! Thank you!!

  • Rick September 19, 2019 at 3:53 am

    Dude, I must have had my head in the sand and wasn’t even aware of this “hiccup” until you told me a couple of weeks ago. anyway, let’s rock & roll and f-bomb’s away. no harm, no foul, no loss of life!

  • John DeBois September 25, 2019 at 2:09 am

    My wife and I always enjoyed the contributions you made to the show and we miss that. You are a stand up guy and the dynamic of the show with you was quite amazing. Good luck!!!

  • Janice Cannataro October 9, 2019 at 2:13 am

    Once again, spoken like the true gentleman you are… I am so sorry for all the sadness you have had these past years… but it seems like you have a wonderful attitude and a deep faith to help you through. You are an amazing writer.. and even though we haven’t heard your voice in the usual way… your thoughts are being read and deeply appreciated. Keep them coming. Thanks Chris. Now I had to get over losing two great guys… you and John Marshall… have been in touch with him…another great guy.

  • Bonita Riggins October 12, 2019 at 6:52 pm

    I’ve been an avid viewer since the early nineties. I must say it was always noticeable when you were not there. I always enjoyed your wit and humor. While I was aware of the faux pas, it appeared to be accidental and I thought nothing of it until August. I missed your last broadcast and though that you were vacationing. I then noticed that you had been away too long. I was fearful that you might not return , so I did a Google search. Like many have said before, you are truly missed. Thank God for the internet. It has enabled me to voice my appreciation for all of the years you
    would provide an upbeat forecast before I proceeded onto my otherwise dreary routine. Best wishes for a bright future!

  • About Me

    About Me

    Chris Cimino

    WELCOME BACK MY FRIENDS..... My name is Chris Cimino and I'm a TV meteorologist(WPIX NYC) and host, as well as blogger and podcaster(Bleav In Middle Age Warriors) for the last 30+ years. I started this blog about 4 years ago after having my contract not renewed by WNBC in NYC, of who I worked for 24 years. Nearly 21 of those years were as the early morning meteorologist for Today In New York, the newscast that preceded the Today Show. Over the years I had the privilege of filling in for Al Roker on the Today Show, as well as a two year run as the regular Saturday morning meteorologist for the Weekend Today Show. As of July 2019 I found myself unemployed for the first time since I was 19 years old. Suffice to say that was a little more than a couple of years ago. I’ve been through a lot in the last 4 years of my life. Most of it has been good. The path wasn't always easy and I often feel the burn of still trying to rise from the ashes of my past life. While not 100% on either, I've learned two big lessons in this process. To forgive myself and to trust myself more. Short sentences.....long processes. I hope you will rejoin me again on this journey through what I will call upper mid-life. If I can help or inspire one person along the way then this is all worth it. Thanks for getting this far..... if you did. Read More


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